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The Compendium of the Damned, the Divine, and All Things In-Between

13th Garrison / The 13th Ray of Dawn
The 13th is assigned to general peacekeeping operations throughout the Weschali Province. Stationed a day’s ride from Gonta, it is under the direct command of Commander Xandros Wodoria and his wife, the Battlemage Evalia Wodoria.

Adelian Empire (Agromah)
The former Empire that ruled the continent of Agromah for hundreds upon hundreds of years, before their last Emperor made the wrong deal at the wrong time.

Age of Misfortune
The Age of Misfortune covers a period of Kora’s history where several… less than pleasant… events happened in a relatively short period (roughly twenty to thirty years) of time. While some of the events are muddled and unclear, the majority happened around – or because of – the Huntsmen Stannoth Shi’amar and Elrok, the Exorcist Akaran DeHawk, Huntsman Karistina Semtune, the Cleric Daniella Anseri, the assorted Acolytes of the Man of the Red Death, and of course, the Man of the Red himself.

A method of using the Laws of Normality to enhance mundane items throughout the world. Alchemists are also well known for their vast knowledge of potions, poultices, medicine, and poisons. Most Alchemists have a distrust or disgust of the religious Orders, finding them relics of a bygone age, while the leadership of the Granalchi detest them – often referring to them as the 7th School of the Arts (though this is mostly due to a recent and massive falling out between the Headmaster Arch-Adept and the Maestar of the Fellowship of the Alchemetic).

Soldiers (or mercenaries) trained in destructive magics. They do not do their work in service to their Gods (though a few combine their arts with worship), and they are not interested in scholarly pursuits (such as the mages of the Granalchi Academy). They use magic as a weapon, and by and large, are content to do just that.

Belian-berry tarts
Sweet tarts made from red belian berries. Considered a delicacy around most of Dawnfire, they are fairly common in cities throughout the eastern part of the Kingdom. It was said that the biggest regret held by Empress Bimaria of Civa was that in her failure to win the last Imperium War, she was unable to safely secure enough belian bushes to plant them in Civa Prime.

Blackstone Trading Company (the BeaST)
The largest trading company in the entire western hemisphere, the BeaST is owned and run by Master Aidenchal, a dedicated follower of Uoom. It has holdings that stretch from Civa to Mathiea and everywhere – literally everywhere – else. Recent activity has placed a number of their important interests in and around the Midland Wastes. It should be noted that the BeaST formed the Hunter’s Guild for reasons that aren’t entirely clear to anyone but the upper echelon of the Guild and some historians.

Book of Hearts & The Tenants of Love
The holy scriptures of the Order of Love, revised (extensively) after the Hardening, and handed directly down to Mother Adrianne (who really, really hated that title). They also double as a spell tome – and many a priest, paladin, templar and exorcist have added pages to the back of their copies to serve as their own personal testaments.

Bourshodin Occupation
An ugly part of Dawnfire’s history. The Occupation was the result of a perfect storm of events: The Imperium Wars waging around it, Bourshodin was a city on the northern edge of the Missian League, firmly in the middle of Gulil’s Jungle. Unfortunately for the inhabitants of Bourshodin, the city was of strategic importance to both Dawnfire and Civa, and the two sides traded blood over and for it for five years. When the war was over, little was left of Bourshodin except for broken walls and drying tears. The Occupation began in Q.R. 502.

A small crystal that grows in the undertunnels near and below the Midland Wastes, primarily near the Kepershal Gem Warrens. If they were ever to be mined out of the tunnels and sold on the open market, someone – someone like Master Aidenchal – would stand to make enough profit to buy a Kingdom, if he so wished.He wishes.

One of the two ever-warring tribes in the Midland Wastes. Cursed (blessed?) years ago by the God of War to have everlasting life as long as they continued to battle the Z’Chek, they have a unique relationship with the God of Death. Mainly, they are a thorn in His side, and it is rumored some of His reapers nearly went mad trying to collect on what is rightfully His.

Chief Metallurgist
The Chief Metallurgist is in charge of making sure that any and all ore mined anywhere in the Kingdom is refined to the standards of the Crown, if it’s to be used by the Queen or her military.

(The) Circle
The twisted cult that adheres to the insane beliefs spouted by the God of Plague, Neph’kor. Much like their patron, they are universally hated and actively expunged whenever they turn up. Why anyone ever joins them to begin with is a matter that even the most concerned scholars have yet to figure out. While rarely seen in public, their flag is represented by a green and brown circle slathered onto a black or brown banner. There is no hierarchy or leadership structure currently known; it is presumed that they obtain their orders directly from the essence of Rot itself.

(The) Civan Empire
Located north of Dawnfire, and stretching across the entirety of the upper mainland and the coastline of the Cavisian Ocean. It is currently ruled by Empress Bimaria and honors the Goddess of Flame, Illiya, as its matron. It is in a rolling religious war with the Kingdom of Dawnfire – both for providing aid to the Goddess of Love, and a ‘sisterly dispute’ between Illiya and Melia, the Goddess of Destruction. A large part of Civan society is based upon worship of the Goddess of Flame, and while other members of the Pantheon are tolerated, it is nowhere near as inclusive as the Kingdom of Dawnfire. The Civan flag is black with a white inset of a woman’s silhouette, flowing robe, one hand above her head with a ball of gold flame over it.

(The) Crusades
A massive war launched by the Kingdom of Dawnfire against the Dunesires of Sycio. The conflict spanned years, at a great cost of life for everyone involved. The Crusades were launched in Year of the Queen’s Rule 514, two years after the incident at Toniki and one year after the minor issue in Basion City (and three years before the events in the Kepershal Gemwarrens).

The Coldstone is a magical construct designed by the rogue Elementalist,Usaic, and hidden away in his tower north of the village of Toniki. its exact nature is relatively obscure, though it is coveted by at least one frozen monster, one conglomeration of damned spirits, an unceasing swarm of scavenger demons, an exorcist of the Order of Love, his mentor, a wisp from the Elemental Plane of Ice, and someone that calls himself the Man of the Red Death.

So whatever it is, it’s powerful – and powerful objects always bring strife in their wake. The coldstone is no different.

With great power comes great responsibility and the Granalchi understand this. So, when one of their men of ‘great power’ ceases the safe practice of magic, Collectors are sent to collect them and their work for future study… and sometimes dissection. Although the dissection sometimes happens before any talk of studying can be done.

Contract of Governance
Offered by the Kingdom to various merchant guilds, a Contract of Governance grants a Guild the right to govern a village or a city where military access isn’t a critical component. The crown has long found it easier to tax those that earn money than it is to learn how to effectively learn to manage trade – which, while allowing for a goodly bit of corruption to take hold, keeps it somewhat honest.

Crystal Kingdoms
The combined Kingdoms of the Dwarven people, with each major underground city referred to as part of the Gemset. The Kingdoms are ruled by the Underlord and his sons, the Underprinces. Except for one, who likes to beat things up more than he does rule. Go figure – a dwarf that prefers brawling to diplomacy. The flag of the Crystal Kingdoms is silver with actual opaline serving as the trim, while a bismuth crystal sits in the center, and a square of bismouth at each corner of the flag.

Mostly human in appearance (albeit taller than the average, and pale-skinned), Damians are an odd race. Thought to have come about through the mating of humans and elves centuries ago, they were ostracized and shunned by both the Kingdoms of Men and the Elven Kingdoms. Still, that didn’t stop humans or elves from siring more of them any time the chance for such… exciting… endeavors came about. When their leaders made a pact with the son of Archduke Belizal hundreds of years back, the demon turned on them and cursed their race: any that saw the sun would die. Forced underground, they figured out a way to counter the curse, but… not without some difficulty. Many remain underground, while some brave and adventurous men and women opt to have their eyes covered with enchanted molten eldivin that offers them far better sight than those with normal vision. It is not, however, a painless procedure.

The lord and ruler of the Damian people.

The ‘defiled’ are mortal/natural creatures that have been exposed to or twisted by Abyssian magic/auras to the point that they have become monsters in their own right. Corpses that have arisen from the dead on their own volition are lumped into this category, as are animals (or even people) that have been corrupted past the point of the Laws of Normality. Creatures, and even inanimate objects, that have been turned pose as much of a threat to the living world as demons… and some demons have been been known to start out this way.

Demons are powerful beasts that roam the pit. Most have some degree of sentience, but not all. It’s a catch-all phrase for the pitborn. Daemons, on the other hand, are demons of immense power and ability. These creatures represent massive threats to the world of the living and even the Mount of Heaven.

There are things under the surface that aren’t made of rock; things that the dwarves cannot touch, and wouldn’t even if they could. Things that are odd, things that are ancient, things that are powerful, and things that live in the darkest of tunnels in the deepest of caves. Those things whisper stories and thoughts and offers of power through every crack, every tiny little shaft. These things live in the Deepshadows; a place that no light will ever touch.

Disciples of the Grand Inferno
Priests and priestesses that carry Illiya’s words, tend Her shrines, and serve her people.

Drakeforged/Astan’s Irregulars
Two mercenary companies that call Goldenglass home. They don’t do much work outside of Mathiea, but they’ve done some work in Sycio as a result of the Crusades.

Short, stocky, blunt, and they have a nearly universal tendency to drink first and brawl drunkenly. They are the (usually) undisputed masters of everything below the surface. They talk to the stone and the stones talk back, which means one of two things – either they have a connection to the world that nobody else can match, or generations of drinking has caused severe mental deficiencies and liver damage. It really depends on who you ask. Disliked by most, and in the occasional war against some of the other races that call the underground their homes, you cannot discount their abilities with geomancy (even if their language is such a bastardized form of Common that it makes your head hurt to transcribe into written word).

Enchantment of Starset
Performed only by the Darkfather, using a technique passed down through centuries, the Enchantment of Starset allows the recipient to be able to see through the ether, at the cost of their own eyes. Eldivin ore is painstakingly (and dangerously) carved out of the Undertunnels and refined to pure metal. Several spells are then used to imbue it before it is slowly poured over the eyes of the (un)lucky soul that volunteers to receive the blessing. It is an agonizing procedure, but the only thing that the damian people have been able to do to work around the curse that fell on them from crossing Zeborak so many years ago…

(The) Family
In Damian culture, the Family oversees the dead. It is considered a great honor to be one, and every Damian that dies is to come under their hands to prepare them for the afterlife.

Fellowship of the Alchemetic
Located in the city of Ameressa, in the Free Cities region on the continental mainland, the Fellowship of the Alchemetic is the ruling authority on all things alchemy. They are the true masters of their craft, and are sought after everywhere in the world.

Fleetfinger’s Guild
The Guild of Thieves. While leadership structure varies from location to location, there is honor among them (contrary to popular misconceptions.)

Fritan Guard
The unfortunate men and women that are tasked to uphold the laws of the Civan Empire at the Port City of Fritan, the last city of men on the cursed continent of Agromah. It’s not what one would call a pleasant tour of duty. However, the Empress doesn’t care who serves in it – or from what Kingdom, Empire, or League they were born to – so to some, it’s considered a last-ditch place of employ, if they’re desperate enough. The pay’s pretty decent too, though there’s never been a need for retirement funds.

Feast of Ketterig
A yearly celebration held at the end of every winter in Dawnfire, as it rings in summer months, warmer temperatures, and a new dawn.

Fellowship of the Alchemetic
The Fellowship is a school of intense study that rivals the Granalchi Academy for it’s understanding and dissection of the Laws of Normality. Unlike the Granalchi, they do not practice magic in any form as a method of their craft; in fact, many look upon it with some measure of distrust after seeing the damage it has wrought in the world for generations. They do not disbelieve in it – nor do they ignore the very real occurrence of supernatural beasts and influence – but they feel that mankind would be better served without any of it. Their focus is on manipulating the bounty of the land – plants, animals, minerals, water, even the very air itself – to concoct potions and poisons and poultices and anything and everything in-between. Their chief base of operation is located in the Free Cities of Ameressa.

The Fellowship, it should be noted, was once a part of the Granalchi Academy. After a falling out, the Headmaster Arch-Adept disavowed their methodology and named them the Forbidden 7th School in QR 472. The Maestar of the Fellowship was happy to take the title. She also took nearly three-hundred of the Academy’s students with her.

Self-styled ‘Protectors of Ice,’ they seek to enshrine and preserve the natural beauty of frozen lands. Unlike their counterparts, the Stewards of Blizzards, the Frostlords tend to be a bit more militant with how they ‘protect.’

Cities and outposts of the Crystal Kingdoms, and are managed by Gemwardens.

Mages that can control dirt, rocks, crystals, more dirt, and so on.

Granalchi Adepts / Granalchi Academy / Granalchi Annex
Masters of the arcane. They bow to no God as a whole, but simply seek to control and use elemental magic in any and all forms. While communing with the Gods to access upper and lower planes of magic is frowned upon, it is not verbosely forbidden. That being said, anyone that seeks to explore the vast power held in the Abyss is strongly encouraged to do so off of campus grounds. The Headmasters will deny any knowledge of any student caught using forbidden arts – not that they aggressively seek to punish anyone that does.

The Granalchi Academy is the overarching school that trains wizards the world-over, and most major cities contain a Granalchi Annex for local classes, recruitment, and to provide other magical services for the area.

Grand Sanctum of the Pantheon
The largest shrine to the Order of Light – and all the Gods and Goddesses that the Order honors – in the Kingdom of Dawnfire, and some wonder, if not the entire world. It’s located in the Dawnfire Capitol and most are welcome to visit.

(The) Hardening
The Hardening is a direct punishment handed down by the Gods and Goddess on the Heavenly Mount against the Goddess of Love. Not only was She cast from Her rightful place on the Mount, every follower of every member of the Pantheon of Heaven turned hateful, spiteful, and antagonistic towards Niasmis and all of Her people. This lead to immense persecution aimed at Her followers all across the world, and still persists two centuries later. The only place to offer Her people refuge was the Kingdom of Dawnfire… although the reasons behind that story is for another time.

A white wine from Mathiea, it has numerous psychotropic effects and is banned from trade inside the kingdom of Dawnfire.

(The) Hullbreaker
A Legata-class cruiser under the command of Captain Teffic.

(The) Golden
A trio of statues set in the waters of the Port of Prime, the Golden honor the three women often considered the founders of the Civan Empire: Ioena, the first Civan Empress; Shedora, the first Civan Priestess of Illiya; and Reseena, the Burning Sword, who waged war through the failing Civan Republic and united the lands under Ioena’s instructions.

Hunter’s Guild (“The Guild”)
The Hunter’s Guild is an organization filled to the brim with mercenaries, assassins, battlemages, and anyone else willing to make a quick bag of coin hunting people or things down. They are paid handsomely for their efforts, and the payments increase with the more dangerous or morally questionable the contract is. Not to be confused with the more ‘noble’ exorcists and paladins, but they can do a wonderful job cleaning up any mess that the priestly Orders leave behind (or any other military-minded group). They were founded in QR 298, claiming the daemon Abyssia as their first successful hunt. Actual details around the event are sketchy at best.

Ichaia’s Tears
An underground river that starts somewhere deep in the middle of the Equalin Mountains, it is known for the softly glowing pink algae that coats the riverbanks along Gonta every year.

Imperium War(s)
The ongoing series of conflicts between the Kingdom of Dawnfire and the Civan Empire. The 3rd (and most recent) Imperium War took place between Q.R. 481 and Q.R. 507.

Judges in the Kingdom of Dawnfire. While larger cities are directly assigned a justiciar, smaller villages have to rely on traveling Justiciars to settle matters of legal dispute (or criminal proceedings of critical nature).

Kingdom of Dawnfire
Situated on the southern side of the mainland, the Kingdom of Dawnfire is home to one of the most diverse populations in the world. Followers of nearly all of the Orders of Light are welcome and it is the only place in the known world where followers of the Goddess of Love are not (directly) persecuted. The Kingdom is comprised of six major provinces; each overseen by a provincial Maiden and her Consort. The Kingdom is represented with a red flag and an orange inset of a half-sun imposed over two waves.

Knights of Flame
Paladins of the Goddess of Fire, Illiya.

(The) Ladine
A cargo hauler under the flag of the Blackstone Trading Company, but due to its constant cargo of sylverine ore, it’s guarded by soldiers under the command of the Queen’s Navy.

Laws of Normality
The laws that govern and declare what is ‘natural’ and what is ‘magical,’ as written by a combined effort of the Granalchi Academy, the Handmaiden-Priestess of Purity, and the begrudging assistance (under threat of being boiled in a vat of oil) of a Harbinger of Plague (whom was summarily boiled in oil after the Laws were compiled… as a matter of course). The Laws of Normality cover everything from how mortal beings age to how living creatures must draw air and consume food, to how gravity works and the simple fact that the world is a globe. The Laws of Normality cover everything in every discipline of study – except anything remotely involving magic, which is treated (by the Laws) as both abnormal and irritatingly ever-changing. The Laws were later amended by the Fellowship of the Alchemetic to cover things that the Granalchi had initially considered magical in nature.

Legata-class cruiser (Dawnfire Navy)
The smallest class of the Queen’s naval ships. They are capable of crewing up to fifty men manning oars, rigging, and the fourteen cannons (seven to a side) mounted on-board, as well as a single warballer.

Lower Adjunct
Priests of the Order of Stara that oversee the day-to-day operations of various Temples of Light. They answer to either the Temple Adjunct or the Priestess of Stara, depending on size and importance of the shrine in question. Due to the Order of the Purity’s mission to defend the heavens, the vast majority of Lower Adjuncts attached to Temples of Light are Pristi followers.

The ruler of the Missian League, a loose collection of cities, villages, and territory on the western side of Dawnfire. They’re recognized as an independent region, though lately, they have begun to make decisions questionable enough to concern the Queen.

Otherwise known as Deadspeak, it’s the language of the dead and the damned. Given the nature of those that speak it, it isn’t an easy tongue to master. Learn to speak it, and you can begin to learn the secrets of what’s beyond the veil. Don’t learn to speak it, and you save yourself inevitable psychosis and madness. ‘Wittundir’ is one of the many words in the language with unpleasant meanings; while a rough translation is ‘buried,’ it’s more apt to say the meaning is closer to ‘entombed to unceasing blackness while burning worms gnaw at your sinew and barbed maggots shit in the furthermost reaches of your brain.’

Maiden’s Consort
A Maiden’s Consort is a company of any number of soldiers, battlemages, medics, specialists, engineers, and anything else the Queen of Dawnfire may require. Most Consorts are military minded, but some are relegated to simply managing the Queen’s Provinces (or other interests). The Consorts are not to be trifled with. Ever.

While the makeup of the lower-tier of the Consort is varied, every Maiden is joined by her Consort-Blade (bodyguard, assassin, executioner), her Paladin-Commander (to lead any detachment of holy soldiers the Maiden requires), her Knight-Commander (whom leads mundane soldiers), her Arch-Templar (whom oversees medical needs of the Consort), the Brother (often a high-grade mage, or at the very least, a historian with a bent toward magical arts), and her Betrothed (whom oversees governance and administrative functions).

Maiden Piata, the Madwoman
Maiden Piata heads Nova Company, assigned to protect Anthor’s Passageway on the Dawnfire side. She is known to openly practice death magic, is widely believed to be among the most sadistic of all of the Queen’s citizens, and is not one to cross. Her Consort is notably served by Paladin-Commander Hitrio and Consort-Blade Brandolin.

War-forged necromancers in service to the Darkfather. There aren’t many of them, and for the sake of every other Kingdom and Empire, that’s probably a good thing.

Orathium Empire / Orcs
The Orathium Empire used to be one of the most powerful in the world. Used to be. When their eyes and their methods pushed against the Kingdoms of Men one too many times they were targeted for one of the largest acts of genocide in history (second only to the fall of the Elven Kingdoms). When they attempted to take refuge underground by way of brute force, the dwarves and damians treated them to a second round of punishment. Not many are left, and those that are, are in hiding. After being pushed out of the Undertunnels at the end of the Underwars in 505, the Civan Empire crushed the remnants of the Orathium tribes in 509.

Orders of Light
The Orders of Light are comprised of the various Gods and Goddess of the Mount of Heaven, with the exception of the Goddess of Love. The primary Order is the Order of the Pure and Her followers typically direct the other Orders in all manner of interactions in the Kingdom of Dawnfire and beyond. You will find the Priests and Priestess of Stara taking leadership roles in Order of Light shrines across the world, with the Order of Purity mostly maintaining a type of lazy guardianship role.

(The) Oboria
A courier ship in the Royal Navy, but it typically sails under the flag of the Blackstone Trading Company for the sake of secrecy and security. It should be noted that it says a lot that pirates are more threatened by ships that sail under BeaST colors than they are of ships of the Q.R.W.

Order of Love (Oo-lo)
The followers of the Goddess of Love call the Order of Love home. It’s divided into three separate branches: the Lovers, who spread the Word of Niasmis; the Templars, who use the boons of Love to heal the sick and injured; and the Paladins, the holy warriors and exorcists who use the powers granted by the Goddess to hunt and banish the dead and damned. The order of Love is perceived to be chaotic, as the nature of Love is often unpredictable, and the Order itself is the most aggressive of all of the Heavenly Orders in seeking to expulse the unholy from the world.

Despite being despised by most of the world, the Order of Love holds a special place in the Kingdom of Dawnfire, and has direct authority over the Grand Army of the Dawn. This authority has been granted by the Queen of Dawnfire herself, and as such, is incontestable (regardless of how much others may wish it so).

Order of the Pure
Followers of the Goddess of Purity. They protect the Temples of Light and will wage defensive battles (or at least, reactionary ones) against minions of the Abyss if they sense that the Heavens are under assault. Aside from that? A lot of people consider it a miracle if you see them do anything more involved than scratch their asses.

The Overseer is a title for the local leader of a large village, township, or city – especially those that have been issued a Contract of Governance by the Queen – which allows an Overseer to be installed by one of the many Merchant Guilds throughout the Kingdom.

Ouinzhee Maiden
They speak for Istalla and are more than just the ‘High Priestesses’ of their Order. Everything and everyone on Crys answers to them, though there have been rumors that there are three Ouinzhee Maidens that migrated south to the mainlands years ago. Why, nobody knows.

Preternatural Beasts, Creatures, and Oddly-Animated Beings
Preternatural beasts are creatures that do not use magic as spells or incantations, but were simply gifted with it as a matter of creation or evolution. They are ‘magical,’ but they are not able to use magic outside of their immediate nature. There are creatures that can fly without having wings, and others that can phase through solid ground without disturbing a spec of dust. Pure ‘Elementals’ fall under this classification, as they are a sentient manifestation of a specific element, but are otherwise alien in their rationality, sentience, and actions compared to ‘normal’ creatures.

Pool of Harmony’s Warmth
The pool is a safe place within the safe place of an Order of Light shrine. To be allowed to bathe in one is a high honor and most people go their lives without ever seeing one.

Port Authority
The office that oversees all shipping coming in and out of port cities in Dawnfire. They also coordinate with the Navy’s fleet commanders.

Priestess of Stara
Separate from the individual priests and priestesses that serve the Gods of their respective Orders, a Priestess of Stara serves all the Gods by caring for the Shrines of the Order of Light and providing care for pilgrims or worshipers in need. They do follow the guidance of Stara, but that guidance includes welcoming any and all weary travelers and affirming the control of the Pantheon on the mortal world.

Privateer Wars
A series of bloody naval conflicts between several merchant guilds and pirate fleets in the Alenic Ocean. The wars continued until the Dawnfire Navy established control of a third of the Alenic, the Blackstone Trading Company and the Admirals of Ogibus Bay each taking a quarter, and the Dunesires of Sycio the remainder. The Wars began in 503, and ended in 510 – the last major military conflict before the Crusades were launched in 514. Some credit the Privateer Wars for Dawnfire pulling out of the 3rd Imperium War to protect the interests of her southern flank.

Provincial Maiden
A Maiden is a title granted to a select few leaders in the Kingdom. Their words are law, and are often placed in charge of the Queen’s primary interests, notably her armed forces. Most armies would call them “Generals” or “Admirals,” but they are both more than that, and less. Military-minded Maidens answer directly to the Holy General Johasta Fire-eyes, while other Maidens (few as they are) speak directly to the Queen herself. Each military Company is assigned and run by a Maiden as a matter of course.

Queen’s Royal Wavecrasher (Q.R.W.)
Ships that belong to the Queen’s Navy in Dawnfire.

Regulation One-six-three
A requirement in the Dawnfire Army Regulations stating that local guards/militias/other must provide shelter for any soldier of any rank that is passing through or is being temporarily stationed in any particular region.

Sepulcher of the Lost
A graveyard for those too poor to have a proper burial.

Scars of Balance
A ranking system for Melian priests. As the surest way to celebrate destruction is to destroy, the devout followers of Melia learn how to channel the will of their Goddess into varied acts of, well… destruction. The Scars serve as an outward sign of how proficient a priest is in using that magic – both as a way to brag, and as a warning for others to know to stay away. The more Scars, the deadlier the follower.

Souls of fallen damians reside here, or at least, so it’s thought. Few but the Darkfather and the Family can hear their voices in the deep and in the dark.

Sisters of Love
Believed to be the only people that can hear the Word of Niasmis directly, they are the strongest members of the Order of Love, and they direct the actions of all three branches. They are able to engage in far-sight and, at times, a measure of future-sight; their ability to discern true evil from afar is matched by none. Their edicts are passed down directly to the Holy General, Johasta Fire-Eyes.

Sparkcaster Mage

Sparkcasters use the elemental power of electricity to power their spells. As a result, most of their magic is used for offensive purposes (though occasionally as a component of Illusory spells).

(The) Stewards of Blizzards
Priests of Istalla that dedicate their lives to preserving artifacts, antiques, and other works of art or amazement, to safeguard them against the ravages of time.

Sylverine Ore
An oft-sought-out amber-colored metal that can be used to either temper steel to resist magics or to provide a base for magical enchantments to take hold (depending on your school of study and ability), sylverine ore is only found in two of Dawnfire’s provinces, Weschali being one of them.

Temple (Shrine) of Light
The TOL is the generic name for any shrine, temple, or other structure identified as a house of worship for the Gods of the Pantheon as a whole. They are tended to by Temple Adjuncts and Lower Adjuncts, and most temples are under the hand of a Priestess of Stara.

(The) Underwar(s)
The Dwarven Kingdoms and the Damians used to get along. Then they didn’t. Neither of them liked the incursions by the Orcs or the Goblins either, and… things happened. The Damians and Dwarves fought to a stalemate while the Orcs were escorted by force out of the underground and the goblins chased far away from either of the surviving kingdoms. The UW’s began in 499 and ended in 505. In 508, the Civan Empire crushed the remnants of the Orathium Empire.

A siege weapon capable of launching thin metal balls filled with a variety of alechemetic compounds designed to neutralize opposing ships, port defenses, or ground-based soldiers. They can be filled with anything from explosives to toxic gasses (not that the Queen would ever do such a thing), acids, or even reagents that react with magical attributes.

Wards are divine Words placed on the ground (or another surface) that act to either dissuade unpleasant entities from approaching an area, to warn when one approaches, to help provide a measure of immunity against the effects that hostile magic may present. Some can even trap a befouled being.

‘Words,’ as used by the magically-inclined members of the Order of Love, are specific spells used for a variety of effects. Some, such as ‘Expulse,’ ‘Purge’ and ‘Expel’ are used to banish the dead and defiled. Others, such as ‘Luminoso,’ are used to summon balls or flares of light that last an indeterminate period of time. ‘Bonds’ summon tendrils of magic (or in a specific case, silvery chains) that can act as a restraint (or in the case of said person, a weapon). There are far more Words than just these, and all of them hold power in one form or another.

One of the two major wartibes of the Midlands, they are locked in a constant battle with the Chel, by instruction of Makaral, the God of War.