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The Mage’s Handbook of Spells, Invocations, and Other Flashy Effects

The Exorcist’s Book of Words
‘Words,’ as used by the magically-inclined members of the Order of Love, are specific spells used for a variety of effects. They are the bread and butter for many a priest, and while they’re supposed to be used as sparingly as possible… not everyone follows that particular set of instructions.

Allay (Word)
Establishes a feeling of warmth, peace, and eases doubts and suspicions of those that hear it spoken, when invoked in the name of the Goddess by a Priest of Love.

Desist (Word)
A short-range stun and pushback Word that can be used to quickly quell a fight or hostile act. The stun effect doesn’t last long enough to allow it to be suitable for active combat.

Disenchant (Word)
Breaks any spells or enchantments on a person or item and can destroy non-sentient magical constructs.

Disperse (Word)
Breaks apart focused concentrations of magic that don’t have physical forms, such as spirits, befouled auras, or unfocused clouds of wild magic.

Expel (Word)
Expel evaporates lesser undead and deals critical damage to lesser Abyssians. It can be used at a distance, only requiring that the intended target be at the forefront of the caster’s mind. While typically used at-range, it can be channeled down through a weapon or other object that an exorcist may be holding at any given time.

Expulse (Word)
Expulse serves the same duty as Expel, but it hits harder – and can only be used up close and in person (touch required). Also like Expel, it can be channeled into a weapon or another object, as long as the spellcaster is holding it.

Enlighten (Word/Ward)
Enlighten causes anyone within hearing of the Word to suddenly gain a deeper sense of understanding of and interest in a conversation, concept, or lesson. If used as a Ward, Enlighten causes an aura of peace and fascination with any objects within the ward circle.

Expunge (Word)
Like Expel and Expulse, Expunge can banish an unholy spirit or destroy a demonkin. Unlike the two, Expunge is designed to break apart any anchors that an entity may have in the physical world (such as in cases where a spirit has taken over an inanimate object). It provides a much stronger force than either Expel or Expulse, and uses more of the spellcaster’s energy.

Illuminate (Word)
Forces light to coalesce around anything with a dark aura, giving away location – if not necessarily type or intent.

Luminaird (Word)
This Word manifests a translucent shield on the caster’s arm with a limited lifespan. While it can’t absorb many attacks before it fades, it is better to absorb ‘some’ than ‘none’…

Luminoso (Word)
Summons an aura of light around the caster.

Luminoso Corsair (Word)
Allows the projection of a circle of light on a target object or general location at a distance.

Purify (Word)
A point-blank infusion of holy magic into a person, item, object, or area within two-three feet of the spellcaster, with the intention of safely cleansing the area.

Purge (Word)
As Purify is used when well-being of the intended target of the infusion of holy magic is important, Purge is the brute-force “I don’t have time to wait to see if this can be done gently” way to call upon a cleansing effect.

Unmask (Word)
A step-up from Illuminate, Unmask completely exposes the true nature of a spell, supernatural object/creature, enchantment, or magic-imbued item to the priest that utters the Word.

While Words get the point across, they’re mostly just simple spells with relatively simple effects. The Order of Love is a unique outlier, too; most Orders don’t use single Words as much as they do full blown invocations. Niasmis’s priests have been known to use longer, more convoluted requests for divine aid when the situation absolutely requires it.

Call of Questing Growth (Order of Nature)
As fire to ash as ash to soil as soil into growth; as ice to water as water into growth; as wind to clouds and clouds to rain as rain to water into growth; as death to rot and rot to decay and decay into growth; let me reap, let me sow, let me find new places new ways for growth to take hold.”

This invocation to Kora’thi spreads roots through almost any terrain, searching for any desire that was present in the mind of the petitioner when the spell is cast. The vines that sprout act oddly sentient, lending credence to the argument from druids world-over that plants are as conscious as any other living thing. (As this has never been shown to be true when studied by anyone not of their Order, most simply assume that Her druids spend too much time with the wrong leaves in their mouths.)

Ceflata, ceflata, tispol; tessin yalnaoi, juniax; ceflata, ceflata, tispol; ummarage helf, helf ginat lodal.” (Order of Love)
“Secure, secure, control; aberration unnatural, close; secure, secure, seal; mend world, world be whole,” is a request to Niasmis to bring her magic to bear on any kind of portal or breach into the next world. It’s a severely taxing spell, but one that She will answer regardless of circumstances – and equally regardless as to who utters it (follower or not; some situations trump such silly matters as ‘belief’ and ‘faith’ or even ‘respect’).

Celiouso et-vas savaline lumin.” (Order of Love)
Circle of warding, provide burning light,” channels Niasmis’ Will into a burst of flame dependent on both the need of the invoker and the size of any rune, ward, or magical accompaniment.

Celiouso et-vas balintin lumin.” (Order of Love)
“Circle of warding, provide a bastion of light.” This invocation not only activates and recharges any existing Wards set in the immediate area, it overlays radiant light to chase away the dark.

Enia savald et-vas folisdal anavin.” (Order of Love)
This invocation traps a portion of the essence of a creature into a special crystal that exorcists in the Order of Love have access to. Once corrupted by the energy of the damned, spells or enchantments can be crafted to sense more creatures of the same type – or track down an entity that caused the corruption to manifest in the first place.

I invoke the names of the Holy Angels of Love: Miral the Touched, Samia the Passionate, and Li’Orla the Lost! I am defiled, may Her warmth lift my soul!”
This invocation isn’t performed by a priest, but rather, a sentient damned soul seeking repentance. If accepted, they are lifted into Her embrace. If not, they fry. Oh, do they ever fry.

Lumina, Lumina, cast shadows into nothing – cast all of your light into the dark!” (Order of Purity)
This invocation, when called by a Priest of Purity, will generate a flash of pure light that will stun, burn, and briefly blind almost anything unholy caught within its radius.

Lumina, Lumina, show what shadows hide; show what casts them deep; show what blocks your light; show what swallows it whole.” (Order of Purity)
This invocation, when called by a Priest of Purity, will expose any decay, Abyssian influence, illness, or physical injury on a person or in the environment within the radius of the spell.

Generic Spells/Invocations
Sometimes, you don’t need to seek the favor of a God, or devote yourself to fancy spells and complicated abilities. And other times, the magic is either so rudimentary that anyone with so much as a sliver of affinity could cast the spell – albeit with the details slightly different from mage to mage and priest to priest.

A spell used by sparkcaster mages to send lightning traversing bodies of water before explosively reaching their destination. A seaspark can exponentially increase the distance a sparkcaster can send their electric currents.

A spell used by sparkcaster mages that conjures a bolt of lightning with various levels of intensity. You don’t want to be on the receiving end of it, at any level.

Obscura (Spell – Generic)
An obscura enchantment is a spell that is specifically designed to hide, mask, or otherwise place a metaphysical fog around an area to keep it from being discovered by prying eyes.

Not everyone uses magic for reasons holy (or un-). Some users simply need it to make things blow up without bothering to manifest their magic as bolts of fire or ice or even blasts of lightning. These spells don’t take any special words or invocations. For those mages (and some followers of Melia), they’re content in using raw force-of-will to create and launch unstable bursts of ether.

Ideally, launched from a great distance.

Runic words written or etched onto an object that conveys a magical property or effect.