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One: an archer cursed to never see the light of day.
The other: a dwarf with issues.
Together: either deadly foes... or the best of friends.
- A Hunter's Guild Novella

About the Book

Blindsided is a stand-alone novella set in the world of the Saga of the Dead Men Walkng. A murder-mystery set deep in the undertunnels, this is a race against time – and a fight against Death itself.

The first story that encapsulates the trials and tribulations of the Hunter’s Guild, Blindsided expands upon the world of the Saga and introduces a pair of unforgettable characters that will have an impact in the Saga for years to come.

Print availability at this time is minimal. My apologies – while available for digital, this book is effectively discontinued for print to the best of my knowledge.

for now.

In the 517th Year of Queen’s Rule, two mercenaries with the Hunter’s Guild get tasked to “look after” interests held by the Guildmaster of the Blackstone Trading Company. The only problem?

They’d sooner die before working with each other.

The Hunter’s Guild. Mercenaries, assassins, and monster hunters; they answer to one thing: gold. They’ll take anyone. They’ll murder just about anything.

In the caves below the surface of Kora, something is stalking the dwarves of the Kepershal Gem Warren. As bodies pile up, answers are running out. Called upon by name by the true Master of the Guild, for reasons unclear, two hunters are sent to find the cause and exterminate it. But the two they send could not be further apart.

One, an archer, condemned to never see the light of the sun. The other, a dwarven swordsman that hates being underground. Both of them fought on opposite sides of a war not long ago, a war between their races. Old wounds between their peoples have only made things worse, but gold runs thicker than blood.

Can the two unlikely allies find a way to keep from killing each other before the rest of the warren is buried… forever?

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